About Your Teacher

Jody Curtis is a Spiritual Teacher and Thought Leader, as well as a Digital Content Creator and homeschooling mom of an 11 year old.

Currently, she teaches breathwork and health and wellness classes internationally online, and has students in 103 countries. She is a Reverend of the Science of Mentalphysics, and a founder and Creator at EmpowerHouse Productions.

Jody is passionate about creating content that uplifts, inspires and empowers humankind.

A 9 Day Breathwork Challenge to Energize every cell of your being and Activate Your Superpowers!

Learn and practice the 8 Key Breaths of the Science of Mentalphysics for 9 days in a row from the comfort of your own home!

The daily breath practices are 45 minutes long, and will be facilitated by Rev. Jody Curtis.

What IS The Science of Mentalphysics? It is a Science of the Knowledge of the Divine. It is a Science of FEELING. The Science of Mentalphysics is Science and Spirituality coming together. An inner understanding of the Universe within. A super yoga (with breathwork, meditation, affirmations, and more) that can heal your body, mind and spirit... And activate your own Superpowers!

You will learn a brief history of the teachings that are thousands of years old...directly from the Monasteries in Tibet. As we go along we will be practicing different breathing positions and exercises called The 8 Key Breaths which balances your entire endocrine system and charges every cell of your being with health and wellness!

After each breath we relax deeply and listen to affirmations specific to each breath, and feel within ourselves. Observing and listening. And feeling what each breath does inside the body.

I guarantee you will be feeling better after this 9 Day Challenge than you did when you started or your money back!

Thank you for your interest and I look forward to sharing these ancient breathwork techniques with you to activate your highest and best self!

How to Use Essential Oils for Health and Wellness

Empower yourself! Naturally.

Learn the basics about managing yours (and your family’s) health and wellness with essential oils. You will learn more about what essential oils are, where they come from and how they are made.

You will learn how the oils work in the body and how to use them. And, which oils to use to treat most common ailments, along with how and where to purchase the best essential oils on the market today.

You don’t need extensive training to know how to use essential oils effectively. With a basic understanding of safety precautions, and application methods, it is easy to start using essential oils for your health, wellness and happiness!

Mentalphysics Masterclass

The Science of Mentalphysics is Science and Spirituality. It is a breathwork and meditation practice...a super yoga that can heal your body, mind and spirit, activate your Superpowers and charge every cell of your being with light and life and health!

This practice brought me back to life after experiencing stage 4 cancer. I have practiced the breathwork and the teachings of the Science of Mentalphysics for more than 13 years. It has helped balance my endocrine system and enabled me to have a natural pregnancy and birth at 41, after doctors said it was impossible.

In this Masterclass you will learn a brief history of the teachings that are thousands of years old...directly from the Monasteries in Tibet and brought to the West by Edwin J Dingle (Ding Le Mei).

Morning Mastery

During these 5 days, we will be using modern tools and ancient wisdom with practices that build on each other to release what no longer serves us, and bring in more of what we want to create our lives and ourselves to be.

We will be doing simple practices that can change your life in profound ways – body movement (stretching, dancing, breathing), writing/journaling, daily gratitude practice building each day, positive mindset practices (affirmations), guided meditations, ancient secret breathing techniques and other secrets for health, wellness and happiness, passed down for thousands of years.

This course is not about information...it is about transformation! We are creating the greatest version, of the grandest vision that we have ever held about ourselves!

Jumpstart your life and create a powerful and simple morning routine that will serve you for years to come!

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  Breathwork Pointers
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  Day 1
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  Day 3
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  Day 4
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  Day 5
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  Day 6
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  Day 7
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  Day 8
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  Day 9
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